U.S. - Florida
2020.01.20 "Thou Shalt Presume Irreparable Harm (when construing non-compete agreements)" ... this blog begins as follows:
2019.09.04 Florida Court Likens State’s New Non-Compete Restriction to Swamp Monster. This alert summarizes Florida non-compete law, highlighting its controlling state statute and a special rule applicable to physicians.
2017.09.15 Referral Sources are Protectible Interests. The Florida Supreme Court held that though Florida Statute 542.335, which governs noncompete agreements, does not specifically list referral sources as subject to protection, they can be protects. The statute, which lists only five kinds of protected business interests, is not meant to be exhaustive, and trial courts are equipped to make case-by-case determinations depending on the facts of specific cases and the industries involved, the court said.
2013.April.17 Florida Decision re Term of Non-compete vs Trade Secret Protection
From Law360, Miami -- "A Florida appeals court on Wednesday reversed an injunction enforcing a noncompete agreement signed by a former Choice Environmental Services consultant, ruling that the company could not enforce the agreement [for a term exceeding two years, which FL allows for noncompetes] under a stricter trade secrets standard [which FL allows for terms up to five years] without having to prove the misappropriation of trade secrets."
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