
Securities Laws re Executive Compensation

SEC Registration Issues for Compensatory Plans

SEC Form 8-K

  • CD&Is re 8-K disclosures. For instance: 
  • SEC CD&I Question 117.01 - re Departure of Executive.
    Question: When is the obligation to report an event specified in Item 5.02(b) of Form 8-K triggered? Must the Form 8-K filed to report an Item 5.02(b) event disclose the effective date of the resignation or other event?
    Answer: With respect to any resignation, retirement or refusal to stand for re-election reportable under Item 5.02(b), other than in the corporate governance policy situations addressed in Question 117.15, the Form 8-K reporting obligation is triggered by a notice of a decision to resign, retire or refuse to stand for re-election provided by the director, whether or not such notice is written, and regardless of whether the resignation, retirement or refusal to stand for re-election is conditional or subject to acceptance. The disclosure shall specify the effective date of the resignation or retirement. In the case of a refusal to stand for re-election, the registrant must disclose when the election in question will occur, for example, at the registrant’s next annual meeting. No disclosure is required solely by reason of Item 5.02(b) of discussions or consideration of resignation, retirement or refusal to stand for re-election. Whether communications represent discussion or consideration, on the one hand, or notice of a decision, on the other hand, is a facts and circumstances determination. A registrant should ensure that it has appropriate disclosure controls and procedures in place – for example, a board policy that all directors must provide any such notice directly to the corporate secretary – to determine when a notice of resignation, retirement or refusal has been communicated to the registrant. [June 26, 2008]

  • 2004 SEC FAQs re Compensation-related Decisions.
  • Enforcement by SEC -- see this 11/06/2014 blog.
  • SEC Form 8-K (from www.sec.gov).

Short-swing Profit Rule

See also: